Polish Up Your Work Systems and Routines
My step-by-step guide to find more ease,
get more done and become the leader you can be.

Is it time for a spring clean in your professional life?


When the day-to-day hustling in your business has become overwhelming, you’re always running around putting out fires, and you don’t get as much done as you’d like… 


It’s time to take a step back.

You need to put on your leader hat and clean up your work systems and routines so you can go back to acing your everyday goals. 

 My proven step-by-step “Polish Week” system to clean up your work systems and routines will transform your business.

Kirstan Schmidt
Emergency Preparedness Leader

"I absolutely loved this course. My team manages over 400 documents which are utilized for emergency response. It is very important to be organized and to reset once or twice per year. This is a great system!"

Christine M.T. Pitts, PhD
Impact Director, National Nonprofit

"Last week I did Jessica Eastman Stewart's Polish Week and felt fantastic heading into 2023!"

Drea Beale
Instructional Coach and Consultant

"Jessica's Polish Week is a simple and powerful practice to support people who support others. Strategies like blocking time for rest, managing bookmarks, and designing the ideal work week have all been instrumental in increasing my efficacy as an educational consultant and leadership coach! Huge appreciation to you, Jess!"

I can see you asking in your head: "Hold up, before I go any further, is this going to take up a lot of my time?"

Ah, I knew you were going to ask me that!

You can get started with getting more organized even if you only have a half day, and I'll give you suggestions for what to do if you only have a little bit of time here and there.
Who can benefit from a “Polish Week”?

  • Managers and executives who are afraid to admit how much of a hot mess they are.
  • Leaders whose teams could use some permission to take a step back and get organized together.
  • Business owners who want to get more organized so their work flows and they’re no longer the bottleneck in their biz
  • Creators who can’t find their way anymore through their digital clutter. “Where did file 42819323 go? I need it nowwww!” Sound familiar? Yeah, no more. 
  • Entrepreneurs who want to spend more time on the things that will drive their business forward and stop procrasti-working.

I’ve included everything you need to know to have a successful Polish Week:

What a Polish Week is and why it matters for supercharging your work.

A step-by-step guide and examples of tasks you can do during a Polish Week

Downloadable and editable checklists so you can get started right away

Don’t do this! Common Polish Week pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. 

Limited on time? You’ll learn how to get started with a Polish Day and implement the ideas in this course if you don't have a full week. 

When to do a Polish week: Recommendations on how often and when to do a Polish Week. 

Involve your whole team: my advice on how to plan a Polish Week for an entire team.

Hi, I’m Jessica, your Systems and Routines expert! 

I'm Jessica Eastman Stewart. As a former Executive Director, I love helping people lead with confidence at home and at work. Implementing a Polish Week has been one of the most transformational strategies for the teams I managed for years. My team members practically begged me to share a more step-by-step method on how to create their own Polish Week. Their feedback has inspired me to create this course for all business owners who are ready to step up to be a leader in their business.

Transform your work and the way you feel about it for just $27 -
so you can show up as the leader that you are.
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Step-by-Step: Design Your Polish Week$27

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