Is this true for you (or someone on your team)?
Look, we all want to do an incredible job at work + do it in a way that doesn’t feel chaotic. Is that too much to ask?!?
You’ve heard all of the typical advice - spend less time on screens. Ruthlessly prioritize. Get a morning routine. Meditate. Boss up.
But even finding time to implement those things feels impossible. You can’t pause to improve things, or it feels like the whole thing might fall apart .
I get it. I had to get to the point of being fully burnt out before I decided there had to be a better way. And I’ve spent years tweaking strategies and coaching others to implement. I want to share what I found with you.
Introducing the Joyfully Managed Worklife group program.
I’m inviting you to join this cohort experience so that we can create that reality together for you. You deserve that.
This is a 6-week small group cohort that includes the support you need to really create the calm and effective work life you desire:
Hi, I’m Jess. I’ve been a classroom teacher, middle-manager, and a nonprofit Executive Director. I’m a mom of two. I’ve gotten to the point of being fully burnt out at work and needing to find a better way. I’ve coached hundreds of senior leaders and new leaders with different styles and approaches on how to get more organized at work. The feedback I’ve gotten is that their stress levels and effectiveness have significantly improved by using the strategies we have worked together to implement in their work lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the dates? When are the live sessions?
I don’t have time to participate in this - I’m already too busy!
I've tried other organizational programs before, and they didn't work for me.
I prefer to figure things out on my own rather than relying on a structured program.
I can find plenty of free resources and tips online. Why should I pay for a live group experience?
I have a question that's not answered here, or I'd just like to chat with you first before deciding about whether to join!
Who is this Jessica person running the course?
Payment Options (this powerful program is $1497).
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All prices in USD