The cohort that begins in January 2025 is now sold out. There will be a new cohort in either Spring or Fall 2025. Please sign up below to join the waitlist to be notified when dates are set, and I'll be in touch!
The 6-week group experience to supercharge your effectiveness at work in 2025.

Is this true for you (or someone on your team)?  

  • You’ve got too much on your plate.
  • Tasks are coming at you from everywhere - email, texts, Slack, project plans, calendar, goals documents, and during meetings.
  • Your days often feel like an endless series of frantic tasks, and you’re not sure it’s even on the right things to move your priorities forward. 
  • A habit of sometimes falling victim to procrastination makes you feel guilty and embarrassed when you get that email that starts, "I just wanted to follow up..."
  • You have tried so many tools, but things are sometimes still slipping through the cracks.
  • You have a sense that this all could be working better together - that finding practical strategies to put into place would help. 
  • Your responsibility has gone up at work, and your systems need to catch up.

Look, we all want to do an incredible job at work + do it in a way that doesn’t feel chaotic. Is that too much to ask?!? 

You’ve heard all of the typical advice - spend less time on screens. Ruthlessly prioritize. Get a morning routine. Meditate. Boss up. 

But even finding time to implement those things feels impossible. You can’t pause to improve things, or it feels like the whole thing might fall apart .

I get it. I had to get to the point of being fully burnt out before I decided there had to be a better way. And I’ve spent years tweaking strategies and coaching others to implement. I want to share what I found with you. 

Introducing the Joyfully Managed Worklife group program. 

I’m inviting you to join this cohort experience so that we can create that reality together for you. You deserve that.

So what’s the Joyfully Managed Worklife experience?

This is a 6-week small group cohort that includes the support you need to really create the calm and effective work life you desire: 

  • On-demand access to private community space with Jess and the others in the group for asking questions, getting support, and building your professional network with others in the cohort.

  • Live, proven-to-be-effective workshops created for real people who juggle the modern stress of leading teams, managing projects, raising families, and navigating the millions of other obligations nipping at our heels on any given day.

  • Planning your week and adjusting when things shift live session. This workshop will support you, whether you like to get organized on paper or digitally, to put in place a proven weekly and daily planning process that works for you in your specific role and organization, including how to prioritize spending your time on the highest-leverage tasks and what to do when you inevitably must adjust because something changes mid-week.

  • Getting your email under control live session. We'll take your email inbox from a place of overwhelm to a much more effective tool for you at work, including guidance on how to keep your email inbox under control moving forward. 

  • Refreshing your systems at work and conquering procrastination live session. Taking time to get your work systems freshened up is critical to being able to get "in flow" at work. We'll talk about the most impactful things to get polished up and create accountability and space together to make sure that actually happens. And, added new for our 2025 cohorts, oft-requested content on how to conquer procrastination and get out from under the guilt of putting things off.

  • Project management & decision-making best practices live session. You'll leave with clarity on where your project management practices are strong and where you can take them to the next level. We'll have work time built in to plan next steps for a project your are managing right now or about to kick off. And new for our 2025 cohorts, we will dive into the best practices of decision-making for individuals and for groups, including frameworks you will be able to use right away at work and at home.

  • Managing up, down, and laterally for results live session. We'll dive into practical and research-based strategies for managing a team at work, managing up to your boss, and managing laterally to external and internal colleagues to accomplish your most important work.

  • Managing your energy to avoid burnout live session. Taking time to replenish energy is key to being able to perform at our best. You will get a chance to assess their current energy levels in different aspects of life and create a realistic plan for how to rejuvenate yourself regularly.

  • Weekly resources like printables, templates, and checklists for each of our 6 weeks.

  • Unlimited access to asking Jess questions via email, in our live sessions, and in our community space. In the past we've covered all sorts of topics that participants need like prioritization, procrastination, browser tabs organizing, running meetings, productivity apps, getting too much mail at your house, how to setup standard operating procedures for your team, the best books to read as a team culture leader, and more. If it's related to work, go ahead and ask it!

  • Recordings of all live sessions to revisit if helpful, or review if you cannot join a live session.

  • An end-of-cohort Resource Roundup of all resources, links, advice, and session recordings for easy access when you need something in the future.

  • Optional weekly co-working sessions to pop on Zoom together to move forward whatever it is you need to prioritize in your work - whether it's something from our cohort (like getting your email inbox under control) or something else at work that you just need accountability and support to do.

What do alumni of Joyfully Managed Worklife say?
This experience will support you to make the following true in your work life:

  • You’ll feel that lovely sense of “togetherness” that comes when you feel on top of what’s happening
  • Your team at work will notice how your systems and structures improve your ability to lead You will be able to work a reasonable number of hours while still getting the important work done

Hi, I’m Jess. I’ve been a classroom teacher, middle-manager, and a nonprofit Executive Director. I’m a mom of two. I’ve gotten to the point of being fully burnt out at work and needing to find a better way. I’ve coached hundreds of senior leaders and new leaders with different styles and approaches on how to get more organized at work. The feedback I’ve gotten is that their stress levels and effectiveness have significantly improved by using the strategies we have worked together to implement in their work lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates? When are the live sessions? 

  •  The cohort will begin on Tuesday, Jan 28 and run through Friday, March 7, 2025.

  • The live sessions will be on Tuesdays (with one Wednesday!) at 11am PT/2pm ET for 75 minutes each with an optional 15-minutes for additional Q&As. In case a complete list is easier to check your calendar for them (it is for me!), here you go:

    • Tuesday, January 28 at 11am PT/2pm ET
    • Wednesday, February 5 at 11am PT/2pm ET
    • Tuesday, February 11 at 11am PT/2pm ET
    • Tuesday, February 18 at 11am PT/2pm ET
    • Tuesday, February 25 at 11am PT/2pm ET
    • Tuesday, March 4th at 11am PT/2pm ET

      The sessions will be recorded for anyone unable to join live, so no stress if you cannot make it to a few of the sessions.

  • I will offer weekly bonus get-it-done hours - these are optional but give you space and time to focus on implementing the ideas you're learning in our sessions (and a little extra Q&A time with me and your fellow cohort members!). This is a popular aspect in previous cohorts, and will happen on Wednesdays and Fridays.

I don’t have time to participate in this - I’m already too busy!

  • I hear you. I know the Catch-22 well of wanting to find ways to make things less stressful and chaotic while not feeling capable of finding the energy and time to actually make those changes. In my experience, the support and accountability of joining a live experience is the one way that I’ve found to make changes in my life when I was struggling to prioritize those changes. 

 I've tried other organizational programs before, and they didn't work for me.

  • I’m not going to prescribe that you work in a particular way. I don’t think it’s effective to tell folks they should be using this particular task management system or notebook or planner or anything specific. Our brains all work differently. What is true is that there are some high-level frameworks, best practices, and approaches that have worked for hundreds of people who I’ve coached or supported in workshops. And I believe that they can work for you too. We’ll have lots of space for you to ask questions and design approaches that fit your role, your context, and your style.

I prefer to figure things out on my own rather than relying on a structured program.

  • I get it. I’m often in the same camp. And can I lovingly ask – how’s that going for you? I think the support of a group of others who are working on the same things - who GET it - is likely to feel really helpful for you and ensure you get much better results than going it on your own.

I can find plenty of free resources and tips online. Why should I pay for a live group experience?

  • You certainly can google some of these topics, and I bet you’ll get some tips! The magic is in the accountability to put them to work, tweak them to make them work for you, and do it in a strategic order that makes the most sense for how our brains work. I’ve worked with hundreds of folks and have learned a lot about what helps these practices actually stick, and I’d love to get you out of the search engine rabbit hole and into a better use of your time that actually works. 

I have a question that's not answered here, or I'd just like to chat with you first before deciding about whether to join!

 Who is this Jessica person running the course?

  • I’m based in the SF Bay Area (Brentwood to be specific), and I moved here last year after living in Oakland, CA the last 20 years. I have two kids (ages 8 and 10). I started my career as a classroom teacher, began leading teacher professional development, and then was a co-founder to a nonprofit education advocacy organization where I led for 10+ years. Now I lead workshops and retreats for teams and create online resources to help folks get organized at work and home. 

Payment Options (this powerful program is $1497).

  • You can pay online here on this page in full.
  • You can pay in installments using Klarna, Affirm, or Afterpay. 
  • Jessica can submit an invoice to your company or organization.

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I'm ready to supercharge my worklife.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xJoyfully Managed Worklife$0

All prices in USD